Sunday, December 14, 2008

As I Watch You Sleep

I open my eyes to look at you.


It's 3am, and I feel you close. And as I watch you sleep, I feel sorry, and I am sorry, for all those times I made you sad, made you cry, made you doubt, made you feel no love.

I only hope that deep down inside, you knew how much I love you, even during days when I wasn't so loving, and not even caring.

Everyday, when I wake up, I look at you beside me, and I feel humbled by God's grace. Humbled because I may not have everything, nor even deserve anything, but I be the one so lucky and blessed to have this one thing that nobody else has; you.

Thank you for all the wonderful years. And I wish us more and better.

I hope I make you happy, make you proud, make you feel wonderful, confident, content, and well-loved.

Happy Anniversary.

With all the love in my heart...


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Thursday, September 25, 2008

September Thoughts

To My Lovely Wife,


You know what? I've been thinking a lot about you this past few days. (Well, I mean more than I usually do.) We've been together for years.  And looking back, it all went by just way too fast for me. And I miss it all. (Yes, including those ugly, angry moments). And if given an incredible, wonderful chance to live it all over again, I'll say yes even faster than you can blink. And if asked to choose who I'd want to do it with this time around, I'd still definitely choose you, without question, without any hesitation. But if asked if I would want to change anything, I guess I'd have to say yes.

That's because I'd like to:

Hug you more, and bug you less
Appreciate you more, and criticize you less
Spend time with you alone more, and make you lonely less
Show you how much I really love you, and less of "10 Things I Hate About You"
Kiss you more, and diss you less
Listen to you more, and ignore you less
Hold your hand more, and make you sad less
Talk to you more, and keep things to myself less
Smile at you more, and make a face at you less
Make you laugh more, and make you cry less
And make love to you more, and “brought my work home” less

Sadly, what's done is done. And I can't bring back any day, not even one.
But God gave me this gift called Today, so I can start all over, do all that, and make your day.

Love you,


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Thursday, July 31, 2008

When Chaos Reigns

Often wondered what this life is all about?

I think everybody does.

And I think we're afraid of the answer, or answers, whatever they may be.

And that is why we - to keep our minds off it - try to keep ourselves busy with everyday things when we're young, silly things when we're teens, and with ego-building trips in our mids.

Realization comes oddly enough when we think we are at our peak, to some as they approach it, others while they wondered if they have gotten anywhere at all.

Still, being wonderful creations that we are, we move on..., and on.

So, to my fellow travelers, here's a thought to bring with you; a thought you can light in your head like a candle when it's quiet, or to summon like a gloriously bright angel when chaos reigns, with a blinding light that wipes out all your doubts and despair and give you peace.

What Will Matter
(The Philippine Star 11/26/2006

Ready or not,
someday it will all come to an end.

There will be no more sunrises,
no minutes, hours or days.

All the things you collected,
whether treasured or forgotten,
will pass to someone else.

Your wealth,
fame and temporal power
will shrivel to irrelevance.

It will not matter what you owned
or what you were owed.

Your grudges, resentments, frustrations,
and jealousies will finally disappear.

So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans,
and to-do lists will expire.

The wins and losses that once seemed so important
will fade away.

It won’t matter where you came from,
or on what side of the tracks you lived,
at the end.

It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant.

Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.

So what will matter?

How will the value of your days be measured?

What will matter is not what you bought,
but what you built;
not what you got,
but what you gave.

What will matter is not your success,
but your significance.

What will matter is not what you learned,
but what you taught.

What will matter is every act of integrity,
compassion, courage, or sacrifice
that enriched, empowered or encouraged others
to emulate your example.

What will matter is not your competence,
but your character.

What will matter is not how many people you knew,
but how many will feel a lasting loss when you’re

What will matter is not your memories,
but the memories that live in those who loved you.

What will matter is how long you will be remembered,
by whom and for what.

Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident.
It’s not a matter of circumstance but of choice.

Choose to live a life that matters.

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton - A (nut) Case Study

There's something creepy about Hillary Clinton. If you've been keeping tabs of the Democratic Party presidential nomination race, you'd feel there's something off with Hillary, and her campaign has revealed more of her than I'd think she'd like. You feel like you're watching a bratty little girl that would say everything, do anything, pretend to be and exaggerate on anything just to get what she wants. You get the feeling that when it's over and she doesn't get the nomination, part of her plan is to do enough damage to Obama's campaign that Obama wouldn't be as electable as he could be, come November 2008. That if it ain't gonna be her, neither is it going to be Obama. It's all just about her and all about one-upping everybody else.

I've since been trying to put a finger on - why is it that I feel what I feel, when I see, read, or hear about Hillary. Like alarms go off in my head. But I can't seem to nail it. So I searched for, collected, and compiled some of the things that she's been described as, and / or called as being, to which, when I first read or heard it, I was like; "That's exactly IT!!! That's what she is!!!"

Read one at a time, chew on it, and see that it rings true...

Calculating..., Lady Voldemort..., Tanya Harding (skater who knee-capped her Olympic rival)..., Dishonest..., Unethical..., Very Cold..., The Terminator..., Pathological Liar..., Manipulative..., Congenital Liar..., Occasional Human Being...

Makes me nod my head.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

GMA Ouster - One Missed Call

The Opposition and (so they claim), the people, want to boot GMA out of office. And we've seen numerous attempts that have been made to serve that end, from the comical (Trillanes antics) , the hard core (Makati Interfaith rally 02.29.08), and the very entertaining but never ending photo op (Lozada Grand Tour). Yet, nothing seems to work, at least for me.

What I mean is, why don't I feel compelled to join them in their efforts, nor even feel a wee bit sympathetic to their cause?

Hmmm.... let me see...

1.) WHO's who? - I don't wanna think that I am united with these fellas:

> Erap. - I was in the crowd that booted him out of office (with great satisfaction), so linking arms with him is definitely out of the question.

> Trillanes. - Delusional ego-tripping wannabe. What's there to like?

> Lacson. - I'd be playing right into his machinations.

> Leftist groups. - They have their own agenda. Communism, anyone?

> Opposition politicians. - The muck that comes out when you cram the above personalities and groups in a blender.

2.) WHAT for? - a better economy? I don't see how.

3.) WHY? - for justice, truth and change? And we can gain all that just by throwing her out the window? It sounds too easy. Like instant noodles. We're all in the same bus, and if for some reason we don't like the driver, we just don't grab the wheels and yank him out of his seat, especially if there's nothing wrong with the driving. We just might wreck the bus by ending up in a ditch somewhere.

4.) WHEN? Now? - 2010 is just around the corner. She'll be out by then. Rushing this situation to a conclusion seem to invite chaos, and beget problems that exponentially beget other problems that I feel queasy pushing Humpty Dumpty off that wall. Because you see, she's not Humpty Dumpty, WE are.
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Credit Card Woes - Conclusion

I have been receiving numerous comments and questions regarding my previous posts on Credit Card Woes. Some of them I replied to, some I left out to the readers to find out for themselves, given time. What I've noticed though; some questions can be answered by the questioner if he simply reads the entire Credit Card Woes series thoroughly, especially my replies to some of the readers' queries right below the article.

To all those who sent questions dated way back like 2006 and 2007, if you're reading this, then you probably know the answer to your question already.
Maybe you still have credit card debt, still can't pay, or you're slowly paying up. But definitely, you ain't in jail, and you're probably in some internet cafe sipping ice coffee or maybe at home in front of your pc. If this is not the case, and you're wearing an orange pajama and shirt with a big P on the back, then by all means, TELL US WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?!

Anyway, I felt the need to sum this series up as I probably can't answer all your questions. So I leave you with 4 points to remember when you feel the pinch, so you could function again, and live your one life out of that hole which circumstance, or you, have dug yourself into.

1.) Relax - hard to do if you're way down deep in credit card debt, but very important. It may be small comfort to know that tens of thousands of Filipinos are in the same boat as you are. Knowing that millions die of cancer each year does not make it any less stressful if you have it. Still, it does no good if you dwell on it. There are better things to do.

2.) Pay When Able - don't pay if it means selling your last pair of shoes, and ignore all demands asking you to do so. Pay when you're ready to pay. But don't be so eager that you go seek them out and sign the first promissory note from some lawyer office you see. Wait it out. The best deal and the opportunity to pay will present itself to you sooner or later.

3.) Move On - yes you can get that NBI clearance, you can open that bank account, you can get a passport, go anywhere you like, or apply for a job abroad. No one can take your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because of credit card debt. Besides, how would you be able to pay if they stop you from living your life?

4.) Stop The Cycle - got a shiny and flashy new card but still have debt? Don't even think about it.

Related: Credit Card Woes - The Call, The Letter, The Visit

Next Post - GMA Ouster - One Missed Call

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